Meet Sonya
Hey! Hey! I am Sonya Dykeman … librarian, author, and creator at The Library Patch. I work in a small, rural K-5 elementary school library and manage the coolest place in school. I love what I do every day, and the kids are certainly the best part of my job. There isn’t a single day where they don’t make me smile, if not laugh right out loud!
I have been in education for over 25 years. I began my career in the classroom, teaching third and fourth grade students for 13 years. When I had the opportunity to take graduate classes online, I jumped into a Library Science Program with gusto and was thrilled to be able to achieve my dream of becoming a librarian. I have been in the elementary school library now for 14 years and wouldn’t change a minute of any of it!

The Library Patch

Family. Forever. For Always. No Matter What.

While you guys are all pretty awesome, my whole world revolves around my family. I have been married to my best friend for pretty near 30 years! He always supports my crazy dreams, is patient with me as I spend hours tapping away at my computer, and doesn’t interrupt me (too much) when I have my nose buried deep in a book. When he pulls me away, we love to take our Jeep out on the beautiful trails of the Adirondack Mountains and to camp along their scenic mountain lakes. I can spend hours in my gardens, which continue to get just a little bit bigger, even though I have way more than I can care for now. I am a mom to two children who have become amazing adults. Happiness TRULY is knowing that your children have grown into kind, generous, and loving people. We also have a spoiled rotten goldendoodle named Bella who tags along on all of our adventures!