With President’s Day right around the corner, my first and second graders are learning about George Washington and Abraham Lincoln. I have created a mini research project in which students sort factual statements about these two great leaders. A quick click on the pix below will take you to Google Docs for your free download.
Here are some website and video suggestions that will help you in your Presidential studies 🙂
great insight into what Abraham Lincoln
liked to do in his free time.
Here are some website and video suggestions that will help you in your Presidential studies 🙂
George Washington
Websites on President Washington …
Enchanted Learning has both a page of presidental facts
and a few free printables.
The National Park Service has a great website that outlines
the adventures of George Washington before he became
the first president of the United States!
This interactive website has George Washington himself
giving you a tour of his home. Informational and fun!
Biographical Info Links on President Washington …
USA for Kids
Truth or Myth: George Washington Had Wooden Teeth
{Thank you Jenna for this wonderful suggestion}
Truth or Myth: George Washington Had Wooden Teeth
{Thank you Jenna for this wonderful suggestion}
Videos on President Washington …
Abraham Lincoln
Websites on President Lincoln
Enchanted Learning has both a page of presidental facts
and a few free printables.
and a few free printables.
The National Park Service has a great
website that will give your students agreat insight into what Abraham Lincoln
liked to do in his free time.
Biographical Info Links on Abraham Lincoln …
Videos on Abraham Lincoln …
President’s Day Videos
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