Hey there –
I have noticed, both as a classroom teacher AND as a librarian, that kids like to read randomly. You know … pick up a chapter book, open to the center, and simply start reading. Then, the next time that they are told to read independently, they pick up the same chapter book and open to another random spot. I would think that this would make it difficult to follow the story line.
Then, there are those random readers who simply pick out books because they are BIG and will look really awesome as they are carrying them around. These random readers open the book during independent reading and count the words on the page because the book is too blasted hard for them.
Then, you have your random picture readers. These little buggers can design an entire 200 page story plot based solely on the pictures on the pages. Sometimes, their stories are so good, they should author their own book.
Well, there certainly isn’t a magic cure for this. But, I do believe that if we hold our students more accountable for their independent reading then, kids will be more apt to “stick” with a book.
I actually run a SCHOOLWIDE reading promotion program. Yup, every teacher in grades three through five, supports me! I know … I am blessed to work at a fantastic school!
Each year, I choose a new reading theme. This year’s theme is Reading is Out of this World. I set up teachers with a parent letter, reading charts, reading logs … the whole shebang. Kids read books to earn stickers that they put on a chart that they keep in the classroom. When they finish a chart, they bring it down to the library for their prize. Prizes include choices of pencils, free paperback books, a No Homework Coupon, an Ice Cream Coupon, and a Free Library Period. I love the fact that kids will often choose the Free Library Period. They get to come to the library and do ANYTHING that they want … barring dancing on the tables. They seem to love the freedom.
I put together a PDF file that describes in more specific details HOW the program looks for classroom teachers. With a quick click, you will be able to download the program outline, a parent letter, book notes for home, bookmarks, reading logs, and reading charts! Just click below 🙂